
NegativeSpacelogoideas?We'vecollectedsomeamazingexamplesofnegativespacedesigns&imagesfromourglobaldesigncommunity.,Thisisgoingtobealistoftipsandtrickstofindthehiddengemsinnegativespacesofshapes.Andhowtousethemtocreateaneffectivelogo.,Negativespacecanbeusedcreativelytoformcompellingvisualsthathavedualorhiddenmeanings.Thisisusuallypossiblewithduo-tone(twocolor)images ...,Discover3500+Negativ...

Negative space logos

Negative Space logo ideas? We've collected some amazing examples of negative space designs & images from our global design community.

Negative Spaces in Logos: A How

This is going to be a list of tips and tricks to find the hidden gems in negative spaces of shapes. And how to use them to create an effective logo.

51 Creative Logos That Use Negative Space Brilliantly

Negative space can be used creatively to form compelling visuals that have dual or hidden meanings. This is usually possible with duo-tone (two color) images ...

Negative Space Logo

Discover 3500+ Negative Space Logo designs on Dribbble. Your resource to discover and connect with designers worldwide.

Negative Space Projects :

Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative negative space work.

Negative Space Logo Maker

Negative space logos are a clever type of logo design concept that use white space in a clever way. Browse thousands of the best negative space logo designs ...

150 Best Negative Space Logos ideas

Negative Space Logos · 20 Clever Negative Space Logo Designs | Inspiration Grid · 35 negative space logos we're positive you'll love - 99designs. Wanted Powers.

Best logos I've seen with negative space : rgraphic_design

NBC, FedEx, and USA. Those are my favorites. I believe they work because of the simplify and how it'a faced upright and the focus.

Negative Space Logo royalty-free images

Find Negative Space Logo stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.

Negative Space in Logo Design - Tips & Inspirations

Negative space in logo design takes advantage of the existing subject to add more meaning, or creating subtle “optical illusions”, click to learn more.